Okay, well, I guess I have to brag about my son. He loves to watch Food Network. I think he dreams about Rachel Ray. So, anyway. For his birthday this year we sent him to cooking classes for about 4 weeks. This week he had his second class and learned some Italian cuisine.
Yesterday evening he cooked his first meal for us. He pretty much did the whole thing from scratch with his notes from his class. I helped a little here and there while the matron of the house watched the news.

"It's your turn, " she said. "I taught the girls." So we had pasta, a homemade Pizza (he even made the dough), and delicious cheeze garlic bread.
He's almost like that rodent at the movies. What did the checkout lady at Shop & Save call him? Oh yeah, Rat-tat-tootie.
Oh, and did I forget to say that it was all very tasty.
Good for Jeffrey! Keep him going with the Italian food. It's very regional and varied.
We're headed to Italy next month to celebrate my 50th birthday. I still can't believe it....my 50th birthday coming up! I can't think of a better place to enter into a second half century.
Ed Phillips
Wow--a guy who can both kill (I've seen the hunting pics) and prepare his own food. Impressive.
By the way, I'm about 2/3 of the way through Robert Farrar Capon's "Supper of the Lamb." Father Capon is a retired Episcopal priest and he absolutely delights in food and cooking. His book is a combination of recipes, theology, practical instructions (what to look for in a whisk; the essential knives in a kitchen...) and meditations on food. I really enjoyed the chapter on wine, "Water in Excelsis."
Here's a great quote from the book: "Food is the daily sacrament of unnecessary goodness, ordained for a continual remembrance that the world will always be more delicious than it is useful. Necessity is the mother only of clichés. It takes playfulness to make poetry."
Jeffrey and Becky both might enjoy this book—-and you can get an autographed copy if you order it through the Capons' used bookstore at Amazon (called quietchina) which is here: http://tinyurl.com/277qyf
Angie: Cool. I keep meaning to get the Capon book. I'll do it right now. Thanks for the reminder!
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