Monday, October 29, 2012

Back to Blood

The first chapters of Tom Wolfe's new novel Back to Blood are terrific.  Classic Wolfean social commentary. The spoof on the "green" car is hilarious.  But the book is not for the faint of heart; it's pretty raw, as are most of Wolfe's novels.


  1. Do you think it's bad to read dark and graphic novels?

  2. What do you mean by "bad"? Do you mean immoral? It might be depending on the novel. And one's motivation has to be factored in, too.

  3. Thanks! I love reading Lawrence Block's Matt Scudder series, and I can't think of a specific sin it prompts in me. But it's got a lot of evil stuff (non-sercriptive sex and some gore and explicit languages and references). I love the series but wonder if it's sinful for me to read.

  4. I love reading Lawrence Block, but his books include a lot of evil. Gruesome stuff. It doesn't prompt me to a specific sin I'm aware of, but I question if it's okay for me to read.

  5. Well, believe me, Back to Blood has plenty of raw stuff in it. Wolfe specializes in exposing modern pop culture with such filthy descriptive language that what might otherwise be erotic becomes disgusting. There's a lot of that in BtB. Not everyone can handle it. It's not for everyone.
