Friday, May 1, 2009

My Home Study

Just playing around on Friday afternoon. Check this out.
I fixed it. The first one had some bad color cast and the white balance was off. I also figured out how to fix the size.

Use your mouse to move around. Press shift to zoom in and control to zoom out. Cool, huh?


  1. I was going to ask what inspired you to do this....then I noticed the empty brandy glass on the desk.

  2. Yeah, that's what happens when I drink on Friday afternoon!

  3. hey...i recognize those gargoyles...i gave them to you!! now you just need to make it able to zoom in :)

  4. I accidentally got it to zoom, and now I can't figure out how I did it. :(

    And I read an article the other day arguing that a minister really ought to refer to his place of work as a "study" rather than an "office", but I can't for the life of me remember where it was. :(

    Anyway, this is wonderful - thanks for inviting us in. :)

  5. Click on the picture, then press "Shift" to zoom in, "Ctrl" to zoom out. They worked for me, anyway.

  6. Thanks, Angie. It's rather fun looking for books that I have myself. :)

  7. I fixed it. The first one was pretty cruddy.

  8. If you make it spin really fast, it creates the illusion that Jeff has a dizzying intellect.

  9. Jeff, that's pretty cool. A few questions:

    What did you use to do this?

    Is this where you do all/most of your study for pastoral ministry? (Or do you have a study on the church grounds as well?)

    You have a lot of books on the Trinity! Is that a particular area of interest for you?

  10. Ed,

    Thanks for the comments. Yes, I do all of my study here or in the library. I have no study or office at church.

    Yes, the Trinity has been a topic of research and study for about 12 years now. I did most of my Th.M. work and my Ph.D class work preparing to do a dissertation on the Trinity. I still have a book or two on this in the hopper. Some day.

    I you can find my Biblical Horizon lectures, many of them have trinitarian themes. Also a couple I did at the Minsters Conference in Moscow a few years ago.
