Sunday, November 9, 2008

Toy Cars & Trucks

I'm experimenting with creating fake miniatures with tilt-shift post processing. These are not great images because the subject matter is pretty boring. But the faux miniaturization is pretty cool. Now all I need is the right opportunity to capture something interesting. Anyone own a tall building downtown so I can get up on the roof and take some pictures?
Both of these shots were taken from the top of the parking garage at West County Mall.


  1. Bizzare and kind of cool. When I have seen these types of pictures before I just thought they were toys. Shows how much of an amature I am.

  2. thats fun, i totally thought they were toys at first!

  3. hmm- getting on a downtown roof. You might know someone at SLU who could get you into the Jesuit's main building (16 stories). Jim Voice is also a photo buff (a Jesuit and prof at SLU). I've been up there and it is a great view. Just a thought

  4. You have to tell us how you actually did this. I need a tutorial!
