Monday, November 3, 2008

Iowa Sunset #1

I was out of town speaking at a conference in Pella, Iowa, this weekend, so I wasn't able to post anything.

I have some really awesome sunset shots from my return from Iowa. Well, I think they're awesome anyway. I can never capture sunsets all that well here in St. Louis because of all the hills. It's hard to get a straight horizon. Well, I was driving home from Iowa last night at sundown and was able to pull off the road at a couple of places and capture some good images. There's one problem with these. I was not able to find something interesting for the foreground (silos, a farm house, a barn, etc.). Bummer. But I guess you can't have everything.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you again, Jeff. Too bad our visit couldn't have been longer, but that's the way it is. I hope the rest of the conference went well.
