Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Image of the Day

Hanging on by a Thread
It is amazing to me how these guys can attach themselves and then move quickly up and down these little threads of web.


  1. The photo makes it look huge. But how big is it really?

  2. Ah, it was about the size of my riding lawnmower. Maybe a little smaller.

  3. Ah yes, I didn't recognize it at first. It's the common Missouri lawn spider. Many people like to keep these as pets actually. They are said to be quite trainable. But also they like to eat small dogs.

    Nice photo by the way. ;)

  4. hey, be careful and don't let the lawn spider eat spencer, i don't think mom would be very happy with you dad!!

  5. Nice bokeh (I won't say "lovely" having read your liturgical advice #3).
