Monday, September 8, 2008

Unbelievably Stupid

This is the new Microsoft commercial. It's supposed to best Apple's Pc vs. Mac ADs. Bwahhhaaaaahaaaaah! Are these people at Microsoft complete morons? Has there ever been a more boneheaded AD in the history of tech TV commercials? I am in awe. Did anyone at MS watch this AD before it was released? Dumb, dumb, dumb.

And it ends with the word "Delicious." What? What is delicious? Microsoft products? Bwahhhaaaaahaaaaah! I can think of other adjectives that would better describe them. More colorful, too. Microsoft has never had any marketing sense. But now it is clear that they are completely brain dead.


  1. This commercial is about as useful as Vista!

  2. What gets me is that they never even mention Windows, or any Microsoft product, for that matter. How is that supposed to sell a product?

    It sort of looks like they're trying to make Bill Gates seem more personable(like Steve Jobs, *ahem*), but... I don't think it worked.

  3. Someone must have agreed with all of you. When I tried to watch the video, all I got was an apology saying the video was no longer available!

  4. Yeah I watched it and thought, I glad I'm investing in Apples. I loaded Vista onto a computer and thought what a horrible program. They are so proud of what they did in the 90's, but pretty much blow hards now.

  5. Forget my previous comment. It works now and I agree it is stupid.

  6. Investing in Apples? What's the resale value of an Apple computer?

    Better off getting your OS for free and paying only for decent hardware (pay for support if you need it).

    Of course, donations to Open Source projects are also meaningful.

  7. You people have no sense of that what years of Apple use does to you?
