Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin's Church

My prediction. Look for nasty exposés of the churches that Palin has belonged to. It'll happen soon. It'll be used to neutralize Obama's connection with Rev. Jeremiah Wright.


  1. Oh, it's already started:

    Boing Boing

    USA Today

    Both about the Wasilla Assembly of God church (the Boing Boing pullquote says she "belongs" to the church, while USA Today says she hasn't since 2002).

  2. I'd assume, thought, that you'd think that her church is pertinent to her qualifications as a candidate.

    And, wouldn't you agree, that if her Christianity is a reason that some Christians to support her, it can equally be a reason for some non-Christians to oppose her?

  3. I saw someone who was referred to as her pastor briefly interviewed on TV the other night in reference to the daughter's pregnancy. He seemed to be a youth pastor at the church.

  4. That stuff about "God's will" needs to be more carefully parsed.

    I'm working up a blog entry on that.

  5. One note of caution on this theme. She appears to be of the pentecostal persuasion. That likely means a very pro Israel position and attitude. What are the implications of this? If she were to one day become president, what would it mean in terms of Middle East policy?

  6. Bob,
    It means the same thing that it would if practically any other zionist republican takes the presidency. Being pro-Israel seems to be a requirement for any republican seeking high office in this country, so she is no different than many.
