Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Got a lot going on this week. Yesterday our presbytery met for our quarterly stated meeting. We had 4 men to examine for ordination. My committee did the bulk of the work leading up to the meeting. But it takes a couple of hours or more to conduct a floor exam for so many men. They all passed. One of them was our new Assistant Pastor, Joshua Anderson. He did very well. There was some fireworks about his paedocommunion exception to the Westminster Standards. But it turned out to be just a few people. The vote to sustain his exam was loud and strong with only two people voting against it.

This week I'm busing working on my lectures for the Biblical Horizon's conference. The conference begins next Monday, July 21st. I've been attending and speaking at the BH conferences for over 15 years. It's a great time. Not your typical conference. Mostly a time of sharing new insights and learning the Bible from colleagues and friends.

This year I will be lecturing on Paul's letter to the Colossians. Right now I need to get back to work. . .

I said I need to get back to work! There ain't nothing more to read.


  1. "Type rest of the post here"

    Very funny!

  2. Very pleased to hear of Josh's successful examination. Who were the others Jeff? That's a pretty big examination docket!

  3. Mark Ryan, a new assistant at Crossroads
    Ben Porter, a new assistant at the Kirk
    Jeff Loaney, a new assistant at Chesterfield Pres
