Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Workhorse Lens

I see that Scott Kelby shot with his Nikon 18-200mm VR while he was in Italy on vacation. This lens gets some bad press in some snobby photographic circles. I might have thought that Scott was inside that circle, but apparently not. I have found this lens to be a great all-purpose lens. Great color, contrast, and sharpness. It has it's limitations. But once you know what they are you can work around them. For example, the little bit of distortion you get at the wide end can easily be fixed with PS3. It's just a great "walk around" lens. It's always on my D300 as the default lens. If I take my camera in the car with me and don't have room for any other lens (=I'm not wearing cargo shorts), this is the lens I take with me.

Oh, yeah, I shot the two images of the train below with this lens yesterday on the way home from dropping my son off at a party.


  1. I have the lesser 55-200 vr on my Nikon and I love it. The clarity with the VR is amazing, I just have to have the skill meet the clarity.

  2. Mark: I just visited your site and your Flickr images. Good work! Do you have a lens for wider shots?

  3. Just the stock 18-55 that came with the camera. Im pretty new to this, and trying to figure it out as I (i.e. reading and shooting). Its very enjoyable and thankfully something I wont be able to exhaust.

  4. That's a good combo. You've got 18-200 covered. Can't beat that. Happy shooting!
