Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I first saw this photo as a thumbnail image on Drudge, but it wasn't properly linked so I couldn't find a larger image. Turns out The New York Times ran it yesterday.
When the weather turned violent and stormy on Tuesday evening, Lori Mehmen, who lives in the small farming town of Orchard in northeastern Iowa, looked out her front door and saw a funnel cloud bearing down — and evidently had the presence of mind to grab her digital camera and capture this shot before taking cover.
If she would have had a better camera, this would have been the shot of a lifetime. As it is, she actually composed it pretty well. Man, I would have loved to have my camera in this situation. I suspect a wide angle lens would have captured more of the cloud and funnel.


  1. It really is an amazing photo. I suspect that we will see more photos like this as more and more digicams are purchased and the prices for cameras comes down (and quality goes up). Just think if people on the Titanic had digicams or the Hindenburg.

  2. Wish I had a better camera when I shot this years ago:

  3. Our local news guy has this to say about it, though...

    Tornado Alley

  4. I saw this as a thumbnail too, thanks for the larger image. It is really spectacular.
