Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sunday School is Important!

It Takes A Village

Well, actually it takes a Church. But as is often true with false ideas and philosophies, Hillary brushed up against the truth while promoting her particular distortion of it. We are not meant to live in isolation as individuals or even as families. As image-bearers of a Triune God, we are communal by nature and we reach our fullest potential when we make the most of the gifts, wisdom and service of our Christian brothers and sisters. This is particularly true in the area of raising our children.

All of us parents become weary at times, and most of us have experienced times when our children weren't anxious to receive our counsel. The larger family of God can contribute significantly to the Christian discipleship of our children, alleviating the illusion that it all relies on us. Of course, we know that their remaining faithful requires a work of the Holy Spirit, but we also know that this work most often, if not always, comes to them through other believers - parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, elders, pastors, friends, etc.

So writes Lori Shaffer on her blog in the first of two excellent reflections the importance of children's Sunday school. Read part 1 and part 2.


  1. Mr. Meyers, I appreciate your blog a lot. Keep up the good work. I had a couple of comments about Sunday School. I am not opposed to it in principle, but too often it is done poorly. My experience has been that often the teachers are under qualified or trained, the curriculum is weak or trite, and the children are rarely prepared for the worship service. This latter problem can be avoided by having Sunday School after the service. My point is not that Sunday School is bad, but rather that if it is going to be done, it needs to be done well. I would add to this that I think children should be brought into adult Sunday School at an earlier age, perhaps even junior high age. This allows them to be further intergrated into the body and allows them to listen to and learn from adults.
    Peter Jones, Pastor
