Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday, May 3

Nothing much going on today. I'm headed out to a Women in the Church (WIC) annual meeting in a few minutes. We'll be installing new officers for the year. I may talk a bit about "deaconesses" in the church (not the same as "women deacons"). After that, I'll drive out to Washington, MO, to pick up my processed deer sausage, brats, jerky, etc. from Ed's meat market. I may stop in a few gun shops to see if someone has a new Ruger LCP .380 in stock. I'd really like to check this little baby out. No one seems to have them in stock. Later this afternoon, I'll drive my son over to a new summer grass-cutting job so he can get the lay of the land, or the yard. Hopefully, I'll get to watch the Cards-Cub game, too. Last night's 11-inning game was great. Tonight I'm going to "tool party" for one of the men in our church. He's getting married at the end of May. He's from the Congo, so he needs some American tools. That's about it for today.

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