Wednesday, May 21, 2008

8th Grade "Graduation"

Last night Jeffrey "graduated" from 8th grade.
Mother & Son:
You can view the whole album here (if you care).

Oh, and former Cardinal pitcher Andy Benes and catcher Mike Matheny both had children graduating.


  1. Man, he's gotten big. Our Eric is having 8th grade "graduation" next week. I have to be honest though, the thought of 8th grade graduation reminds me of the argument between Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parr in "The Incredible's." I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about.

  2. Couple of questions...

    I recall you use photoshop, but I wondered if you had an opinion on Apple's Aperture 2. We're getting an iMac in a few weeks and I'm ready to ditch Photoshop Elements, but I really cant shell out the $$ for CS3.

    Also, I noticed on your top picture that in info says your white balance set to "auto." Did you have to adjust the color some? That's a pretty impressive white balance capture for an "auto" setting. I always find the lighting in large auditoriums very hard to get the wb right.

  3. Wayne,

    Good questions. First, the picture. True, the white balance was set on "auto" in the camera. The D300 does an amazing job with determining WB. But. . . I did have to adjust the color in Photoshops. Significantly. The original image was captured with ISO 1000 in a badly lit gym. I use my 18-200mm VR in those circumstances, but that only gives me a f-stop of 5.6. So I had to adjust the exposure in PS, balance the color, and apply some noise reduction, too. Maybe some day I'll have a f2.8 telephoto, but they are expensive.

    As for Aperture 2.0, I hear good things. But I've never used. it except at the store playing around. From what I understand it's great for professional photographers who have lots of images to organize and deal with. If I were you, I would get the newest edition of PS Elements for the Mac. They just came out with a new version. Does almost everything that PS does. It's only 89 bucks I think you'll be much happier with that. Check out this PS vs. PS Elements article.

  4. it's nice that the school doesn't have to pay thousands of dollars to have celebrities show up at graduation (and that's if you consider Chris Matthews a celebrity)

  5. I can't believe you had the gall to take their picture...I'd be embarrassed to do it!

  6. Oh, yeah...CONGRATULATIONS Jeffrey John!
