Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wake up and smell the. . . .

Actually, I captured this image at sunset in my back yard. This little tree rat was in the ? tree above me when I was BBQing. So what kind of tree is this?


  1. If youre actually asking, its a Redbud given the flowers and bark.

  2. Yeah, that's right. Redbud. I just couldn't remember that name for some reason. We have 4 of them in our yard. I'm not very good at identifying trees and plants. ;-)

  3. The clarity and color blow me away...I have a POS camera!

  4. My Redbud got chopped down last fall. It had some internal rot that did it in. I loved that little tree. It was a gift from my neighborhood when my first husband died. But... moving on...

    That looks like a baby/teenage squirrel! So cute!

    Ohio, back in settler days, had a mandatory bounty on squirrels for all males 21 & up. Every male over 21 had to present X number (can't recall) of squirrel tails each accounting time or be fined.
