Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Laser Music?

This looks really weird to me. And wouldn't your arms get tired after a few minutes of playing this thing?


  1. I think it looks pretty cool. And as for getting tired, maybe -- but no more than playing the trombone or steel drums, I shouldn't think.

  2. That's pretty weird. And, why does the Asian lady around 2:38 in the video have a moped behind her?!?

  3. It's also vaguely reminiscent of a theremin.

  4. Its all very simple. This where all the air guitar players go when they turn 50.

    Oh yeah, and the Asian chick has to have a scooter and be playing some weird "chinee" music.

  5. Cheesy. Not sure which was worse--the hoedown duet or the "quiet reverie." As for arm action--orchestra conductors get a lot more vigorous workout than this.

  6. Coming to a church near you!

    No doubt some innovative 'worship leader' will find a way to use this to move people to dizzying heights of praise and worship.

    Gives new meaning to the term 'one man band.'
