Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Different Perspective

This is another shot from this past Friday morning. I thought I would get down and look up at these Clydesdales that are kept at Grant's Farm near my home. This angle makes the mighty Clydesdale look a little like Mr. Ed. - Nikon D300w w/12-24 Nikkor at 12mm, 1/500 sec, f11, ISO 200, handheld. As always, you can find a larger, better image here.


  1. Yes, I think this is a young one.

  2. Fun photo...

    The new banner is stunning.

  3. Rev. Meyers,

    I am an attorney representing "Taco," the horse pictured on your blog. My client informs me that this photo was taken without his explicit permission. He was merely curious about your camera equipment and in no way intended to acquiesce in your photo shoot.

    This pose is insulting not only to Taco, but to the Anheuser-Busch company, to Clydesdale horses in general, to humans (and animals) who happen to be proboscisly enhanced, and to "Champion" and "Paprika," Taco's parents.

    My client is, understandably, quite distressed about this matter. Please have your attorney contact me so that we may quickly come to an agreement to the satisfaction of all parties involved.

    Thank you.

  4. I think Taco might have had a bit too much hot sauce in his dinner!

  5. I love this perspective with horses and donkeys. They really are curious. Love the colors... and as always, enjoying your photography. I'm find myself coveting your D300, but at the end of the day I am thankful for my D70, which can also do wondrous things. :0

  6. Thank you, Kathryn. Remember, it's not the camera. It's what you "see" and how you use the camera. Great shots are taken with non-pro cameras. And the D70 is really not a mediocre machine!
