Monday, February 4, 2008

Snow Photos

Last week I was able to get out for a few hours and capture some images in the snow. Nothing really great. I didn't have a whole lot of time to wander around and find the great shots. Capturing snow is not very easy. If you've tried with a point-and-shoot camera, you know that the camera meters the bright white snow and sets the camera to capture it as neutral grey. That's why so many snapshots of snowscapes look so dark. You've got to "overexpose" the shot. Which means you have to have a camera that allows you to either set the aperture and shutter speed manually or lets you dial up exposure compensation. When shooting snow scenes I usually dial up my exposure compensation anywhere from +1.3 to 2.0 EV. Actually, the snow in the two images I've included in this post are a bit grey, but that is on purpose.

1 comment:

  1. They're both nice, but I really like #2 with the sunburst.
