Friday, February 8, 2008

NT Wright says Christians Wrong about Heaven

This is a really great interview on the Time Magazine site. Read it. Learn it. Love it.


  1. In all honesty, Jeff, I still don't get it.
    Leithart's book through me back into rethinking the extent of preterism...that it's closer to the truth than the others.
    And more than a few Reformed Sermons on Rev 22 do the same (that the NH&NE are the NC era). I've read a bit of Wright on the NH&NE and how the end of history came in the middle and that the NH&NE are now. Or at least as he said in his article, "helping God renew his creation."
    That sounds very PostMill but I just don't get it. I get Jesus coming back and renewing what we could not. What I don't get is that renewal has already happened and we just have to tap into it and progress it and further it. Anyhoo.....

  2. I'm not sure I understand your dilemma, Travis. The renewal has happened in the material flesh of Christ. He is the new creation. In him we participate in the new creation. United to him by the Spirit we participate in the transformation/glorification of human civilization. Even so, we must wait until the end for the final and irreversible transfiguration of the material world.

    Are you talking about Leithart's book The Kingdom and the Power? If not, that's the one you need to read to get (what I think are) your questions answered.

  3. Thanks Jeff for posting this... very helpful! I look forward to reading Wright's new book. Last night I had an interesting conversation with a Doctor in town who goes to a Baptist church but was really interested in reading Wright's "new book on Heaven" as he called it. He must have read this article.


    mass confusion & misrepresenting Wright's statements.
