Monday, December 31, 2007

World War 3.0

This is scary.


  1. pwn3d by 1337 ha4x0r

    This is a great example of a massive DoS

  2. Jeff,

    This is amazing.

    Actually, it is worse than World War III in one sense: One thing that keeps countries from going to war against each other is the fear of retaliation.

    The modern world has made terrorism (in this case cyber-terrorism) much more potent than in the past.


  3. In case that wasn't clear, I meant to imply that a hundred IT experts could pull this off without any government support.

  4. One thing not mentioned is what OS is being used by these terrorists. I guarantee you it is over 90% of the time a Windoze box. All the more reason not to get an operating system made by the great Borg of Redmond.
