Monday, December 24, 2007

Keeping Up

Lot's going on, not much time to blog.

Saw I am Legend last night with my son and middle daughter. Really well done. This wasn't a kid sci-fi movie. You know, like Independence Day. The row of jr. high kids in the front of the theater were restless the entire movie. Highly recommended.

I need to update my "What I am Reading or Listening to" box on the right side of my blog. I finished Gene Wolfe's new novel Pirate Freedom. Everything Wolfe writes is worth reading. This one wasn't as dense as many others, but it was quite satisfying nonetheless. The moment I finished I began to read it again. That's the mark of a good book.

Sledge's With the Old Breed ought to be read by every post-WWII American man. It's a marine grunt's battlefield account of the battles of Peleliu and Okinawa. There's nothing like it. I can't believe I hadn't read it until now.

Currently, I'm listening to Steve Martin read his own Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life. I enjoy Steve Martin's book. The Pleasure of My Company was a gem. I'm also listening to Dean Koontz's latest novel, The Darkest Evening of the Year. So far, so good.


  1. Hey, Jeff. I rented Martin's book when I saw it on your list. I finished it in one day. I laughed a lot. Do you think Stormie was upset at her noteriety in the book? I wished Steve would have made more of his marriage and children if any. I am on to the next ones: "Pleasure of" and "ShopGirl". I saw the latter. Have you ever seen Martin's mid-90s movie "Simple Twist of Fate"? It is a must. Let me know what u think.
    I went ahead and bought that compilation from WordMp3.

  2. Travis, I've not seen "Simple Twist of Fate." At least I don't remember seeing it. I'll have to check it out. Thanks!

  3. Wow, I just read the book "I am Legend" - it is really a good read - I think you'll like it. Totally different from the movie, and both are great.
