Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Covenant Radio Interview Tonight

I'll be interviewed tonight on Covenant Radio. The topic will be is "Christmas Christian"? Most of what I will say, of course, can be found here in the current serial of posts. But if you want to hear about my favorite types of Christmas trees, the coolest Christmas lights, and how great the commercialization of Christmas really is, tune in.

UPDATE: We had to cancel the interview last night. I'll post another entry in a week or so with the new date for the interview.

Oh, here's a picture of our church decorated this year for the Christmas season.

And here's my house:

Ain't Christmas great?


  1. Is that Bill Hoover up in the lighted turret under the lighted Santa pumping out out "Here Comes Santa Claus" on the pipe organ?

    Man, I miss Christmas at Providence.

  2. This broadcast is being re-scheduled due to illness. Please visit the Covenant Radio website for more information (

  3. My children asked me "Is that house real????" You must be the delight of the neighborhood.

  4. Are you visible from space? If not, you're not trying hard enough.


  5. I laughed out loud. Those aren't really real....are they?
