Saturday, November 24, 2007

Two Words. . .

Chase Daniel


  1. I thank Mizzou for ending the nightmare from which I could not wake at long last...

  2. Nothing like stealing Texas talent to get you over the hump!!!

    But seriously, that was a great game. Chase should win the Heisman, and I'm definitely pulling for Mizzou to win it all. Please, please, please don't blow it and lose to the evil Sooners, which would be bad enough by itself but would probably also allow poser Ohio State to make it to the championship game.

    Anyways, Go Tigers!

    Well-wishing Longhorn

  3. You just HAD to get Texas in there somehow, dincha?

  4. You know that if Mizzou (I still don't get this designation) where in the SEC, they'd be a .500 team at best, don't you?

    Go DAWGS (we just pay our players more).
