Thursday, November 29, 2007

John C. Wright is Right

About the preachy atheism of Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. The first book was promising, but it went down hill, actually to hell after that. The diabolical trajectory was clear in the first book The Golden Compass but embedded in a somewhat interesting story line. After that it just became a very bad story.

Nothing I have ever read, not by Heinlein and not by Ayn Rand has been more blatant in dropping the story-telling, and devoting its pages to preaching a message. The writer was drunk on sermonizing. If this plotline was a motorist, it would have been arrested for driving while intoxicated, if it had not perished in the horrible drunk accident where it went headlong over the cliff of the author's preachy message, tumbled down the rocky hillside, crashed, and burned.


  1. Interesting article...

    Have you read the books? I know Tommy did not appreciate them, but I've had 2 other PRPC people say they liked them. I haven't read them yet.

  2. I read the first one. I was intrigued. But I got halfway through the second one and threw it against the wall. Never went back after that. I've only read about how the story finished. That was enough for me.

  3. Gotcha.

    What's with the new look on the blog? That is one bizarre picture. It doesn't seem to characterize the "flavor" of your blog.

    Yeah, I know you didn't ask...but since when does that stop me from airing my opinion? ;-)

  4. What? So what is the flavor of my blog? Butterscotch?

    My plan was to change out the photo regularly with cool photos I've done.

  5. Oooh...sorry. I didn't know it was your own.

    The flavor? Filet Mignon, of course!

  6. Oh, no problem. It is a weird photo. No doubt. I'll look for something more classy!

  7. Butterscotch Cheeseburger Poptart

  8. And now it's time for Classy Pictures with Jeffrey, the part of the show where Jeffrey comes out and posts a Classy Picture...

    (with apologies to VT)
