Monday, September 24, 2007

Hunting Update

Nothing this time. Between my hunting partner and me (on different stands), however, we saw about 15 deer. I actually walked up on one yesterday afternoon. I was about 10 yards away as she was partially hidden in a field of sunflowers. I drew my bow, held it for about a minute, but then she moved and I saw that she was just a yearling. It couldn't have been a yearling buck, too. I don't know. I let bambi bound away.

From my stand that night, I had two clear shots on a couple of doe—about 30 yards away. But I wasn't in the mood for doe this year. And these girls were not very large. I'm looking for an 8-point buck or higher this year. I'm not really thrilled about deer meat anyway. I want the head and rack!

I did see a larger buck when it was close to dark. But I couldn't see it well enough to know how large the rack was, and it never presented me with a clear shot. Bummer. Well, at least it wasn't boring with no activity whatsoever.

My hunting partner arrowed his first deer and I helped him gut and clean it. So it was an enjoyable outing.

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