Saturday, September 1, 2007

Disco with a Rolly

Okay, techheads, what is this thing?

I can't decipher the point of the device from Sony's Rolly Show site. It makes absolutely no sense to me.


  1. Looks like a miniature Aibo that dances to music?

  2. It's Sony's answer to the iPod believe it or not.

  3. Will it follow me when I take my daily walks?

  4. Oh my, someone is asleep at the switch at Sony. Sandisk and Creative already make good, solid mp3 players to compete with the iPod - and wonder of wonders - you can fit them in your pocket.

    This rolly thing in a pocket would look like you're trying to sneak a ferret around.

  5. Not to mention Samsung. Their players will play the Ogg format.

  6. Well, the latest thing is speakers that an iPod can dock into. This looks like one of those, rather than an iPod-ish device itself.

  7. I think you're supposed to insert it or swallow it for assistance with robotic dance moves.
