Friday, August 17, 2007

I thought Apple was a GREEN company!

Can anyone verify this? A 300-page itemized bill! Amazing.


    looks realvxytgw

  2. Silly blonde, doesn't she know that if you choose the "itemized bill" option you are going to get a print out of EVERY call you make?

    Apparently she's been doing a fair amount of gabbin'--big surprise! It's not Apple's nor AT&T's fault that she is dumb.

  3. I vaguely recall reading that some sort of legislation passed a bit ago requiring wireless companies to show EVERY call on the paper bill by default.

    300 pages seems like a lot, but doesn't seem totally outside the realm of reality.

  4. They're not only logging calls, but data transfers. So anytime you hit the internet with it, it shows up as a new line on the bill. So she's not necessarily gabbing, but could be just surfing a lot. Apparently they log every data transfer even if you have the unlimited plan--each line just shows $0.00 for the charge. I would call that dumb on AT&T's part, not hers. (I do not know this from personal experience...I think one of the guys from Engadget or somewhere like that posted about this last week.)

  5. AT&T is my carrier, and a minute ago I just got a free SMS from them:

    "AT&T freemsg: we are simplifying your paper bill, removing itemized detail. To view all detail go to Still need full paper bill? Call 611."

    Heheheheh. :-)
