Monday, July 23, 2007

These Days

I should have more time to post some biblical & theological stuff in a few days. For the past few days I've been. . .

• trying to sneak time to read Harry Potter 7. I'm only a few chapters into it.

• getting everything ready around the house today for my wife's 50th birthday party at 4 PM. Jeffrey and I still have to cut the grass and clean up.

• staying up till 1 PM (last night) to play Call of Duty on the new Xbox 360. It's addicting.

• beginning to preach this week on the 7 letters in Revelation 2-4. I'll have some comments on that in a few days.

• spending a few days (Friday and Saturday) out at a friend's hunting cabin with 6 other guys. We moved some deer stands to better locations and had a bit of competition with rifles, pistols, and shotguns. The weather was amazing. Friday night felt like a fall evening. Nice breeze.

• visiting the aunt of a new member at church who had surgery for ovarian cancer this past week but developed critical complications. Pray for Diane.

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