Friday, July 6, 2007

Oh, Deer Me

I thought about using my new AR-15 for deer hunting this year. But after seeing this I ordered a falcon from Cabelas. You really have to watch it a couple of times.

Catching A Deer With A Bird - Watch more free videos


  1. It would work well with the picture you use for your id--if the bird was dark enough.

  2. Hmmm... I really don't think that's a falcon. It's too big, the wing shape is wrong, and striking in the ground isn't the usual falcon M O. I think, odd as it may sound, that this bird is an eagle. Probably not a Bald... but maybe (juveniles lack the white head).

    I wonder if there's a way to find out? Also, isn't it bad form to hunt a fawn?

  3. They use Harpy Eagles as well as Golden Eagles in falconry. Harpies in South America and Goldens in Eastern Europe. This looks like it may be a Harpy. Way too big for a hawk.

  4. Can't be a hawk or an eagle. I think it's some animal from the forest that Hagrid was working with!
