Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Filipino Prison Fun


  1. is that for real? in prison? hilarious

    they even have a dude playing the girl's part.

  2. Wow! I wonder how many cane beatings it took them to get it right?

  3. That is a Bakla, a male homosexual who dresses like a woman. They are well accepted in Filipino culture. Strangely, the opposite (female cross dresser) is not well accepted. I have seen Baklas several times on my two visits to the country. Some of them can be very beautiful believe it or not.

    These "inmates" look pretty healthy to me. Healthier in fact than many of the people I have seen living in the slums and barrios of Manila and the provinces.

  4. As Bobber I'm sure can attest, there are two things that are important in Filipino social culture: (1) Karaoke and (2) Dancing (typically line-type dancing in large groups). For both, age is irrelevant. At my brothers wedding (he married a filipina) the dancefloor got taken over by about 75-100 of my bro's new in-laws (nearly all of whom were 60+ years old) who proceeded to perform the "Electrice Slide" in a giant phalanx.

  5. Yes, good observation. Filipinos love to sing. Especially ballads and love songs. They are extremely sentimental. Movies often contain sad sections where a character is crying or whaling for extended periods.

    They also love vampire movies. Some of these are good if you like this sort of things.
