Thursday, July 12, 2007

360 Spin

Okay, so it took me a while, but I finally got our Xbox 360 today. Typically, I get the new games systems the day they are released (PS 2 & Xbox, for example). But this time I thought it would be best to wait. As it turned out, there hasn't been any drop in price since the 360 was released. I wanted to wait to see which system looked the most promising. PS 3 is too expensive and doesn't seem to be doing very well in sales. The 360 isn't all that much less in cost, but the game base is there. Besides, hey, Halo 3 is coming out in September. What can I say?

So we sold our old Xbox system and 5 good games for over a hundred bucks on eBay. Then my son earned most of the money necessary to purchase the 360. I added a little at the end so we could purchase it and play it before the summer ended.

Last night I went to Circuit City and got a new Xbox Elite (the black case is very nice). We got an elite because it came with an HDMI cable and it was black. I had also read that the Elite system was a bit more stable. Don't know if that's true or not, but it sounded good to me. It's also got a huge hard drive (120 GB) for storage. Did I mention that it was black? It is.

The only game we've got right now is Lost Planet. Wow. Double wow. The graphics on a HD monitor are stunning, very fine. I've yet to be able to play the game; I just watch when my son plays. But he's getting ready to leave for a while, so maybe I'll try it out.


  1. I really want to get one this fall sometime, but my total lack of income is sort of a barrier. :) There are some great titles slated for the fall, though...Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed are particularly tempting. Let me know how Lost Planet is; that'd be another one my short list.

  2. Hi Jandy, I might be able to tell you how Lost Planet is if Jeffrey stepped away from the game for a few minutes! Mass Effect and Assissin's Creed look promising. Of course, you never know until people actually play them and rate them. I tend to wait until I see user reviews, like those on gamespot, before I buy anything.

  3. i wish you would have let us know you were selling your x-box.....

  4. I think that it could be a sin to have a 360 and not have Gears of War. That game is amazing. Highly recommended.

  5. Its an amazing world where we can actually get rid of old outdated stuff to reduce the price of the new stuff frequently.

  6. Dan: I just won a bid for Gears of War. It's on the way!

    pduggie: yes, ebay has changed the way we live. No doubt.

  7. I like Geometry Wars and the new Pac-man, although I admit Gears of War is one of those games that makes you realize you can't live without a widescreen hdtv...

    ... so let us know when you get the new TV, Jeff. ;-)

  8. I have a widescreen hdtv, just not a HUGE one.

  9. grid wars is a free PC version

  10. Over any other game currently available on the 360, I recommend Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
